Thursday, December 22, 2011


            I begin this blog with a love for writing. (No matter how terrible I may be or seem at it.) But I most importantly begin this blog with a love for life, for friends, for family, and for making the most out of every moment and looking back at every fond memory I already have. And when I'm remembering all these things I'm either laughing out loud, crying with tears streaking down my face, or just sitting(or standing, or rolling, etc. ;) ) and thinking how fortunate I've been to have had these experiences, these opportunities, these friends, and how glad I am to have the memories I can look back on to remind me of everything worth living for so far.
            I start writing now so I can try to record the innumerable hilarious, outrageous, or just plain "Wow, I can't believe that just happened" moments that I experience every week in my not as normal as I used to think life. So many of these moments have already been long forgotten by my family, friends, strangers, or myself and I really want to have a fun, memorable way of recording them and sharing them with others. Some of the things *ahem* many of these experiences I am talking about are embarrassing, strange, out of the ordinary, inside jokes only some people would get but I am willing to share the ones I believe are worth mentioning if you are going to take the time to read them.
            Life isn't just about the ups or the downs: you need the ups and downs to really make the ride worthwhile. I mean without the hills in the roller coaster you wouldn't have the exhilarating feelings or the whole experience. Opposites make joy, happiness, excitement, love, kindness, compassion (etc.) all possible and all the more sweeter when they come rolling along in life. I won't only be sharing the good surprises in my life but also some of the bad, disappointing surprises that really make the happy moments all the more enjoyable and memorable.

*Lemons are Sour and Sweet. And so is Life. :)*

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